President Taylor said to mother, If you are alive at that time, be sure that you are not behind the Church records, because after the Church records leave and are made secure, the very powers of hell would be turned loose, and there will be such destruction that there will be but little life remain, not only in Salt Lake City, but in adjoining cities also. Joseph Smith insisted on the freedom to state his own opinions. Journal of Discourses, Joseph Smith 20:41. It says the following: Verily, thus saith the Lord concerning the wars that will shortly come to pass, beginning at the rebellion of South Carolina, which will eventually terminate in the death and misery of many souls; And the time will come that war will be poured out upon all nations, beginning at this place. With the Lord providing these miracles of communication, and with the increased efforts and devotion of our missionaries and all of us, and all others who are sent, surely the divine injunction will come to pass: For, verily, the sound must go forth from this place into all the world, and unto the uttermost parts of the earththe gospel must be preached unto every creature. Modern apostles and prophets are a distinctive characteristic of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It will be the same in regard to numerous other cities, or, in the words of the Lord, I will throw down all their strongholds, and I will execute vengeance and fury upon them, even as upon the heathen, such as they have not heard. It will all be fulfilled. He stated that he saw that Salt Lake City would become a great city with many beautiful paved roads and streets of cement construction, and that the people had become wealthy. Some of Joseph Smiths contemporaries left later, reminiscent accounts purporting to contain specific prophecies by Joseph Smith, but it is difficult to substantiate whether these statements were authentic. Things have only gotten worse over the years, as selling harmful substances has become bigger and bigger business. The Church leaders address the above issues whenever they speak, but money has blinded many to virtues of their religion. Those that lacked the faith to prepare their families and follow the counsel to have food storage, ammunition, and some savings, will stand in long lines to receive it for a small morsel of food. Elizabeth Marie And upon my house shall it begin, and from my house shall it go forth, saith the Lord; First among those among you, saith the Lord, who have professed to know my name and have not known me. Later the product of the constitutional convention was referred to as our God-inspired Constitution. Those commenters may just be anti-Mormon trollers attempting to cause contention on your site. The Church leaders address the above issues whenever they speak, but money has blinded many to virtues of their religion. The Lord gave me Isaiah 47, Jeremiah 50 and 51, and Revelation 18. But there is a cleansing coming. On December25, 1832, Joseph Smith received a revelation prophesying that a war between the northern and southern U.S. states would begin in South Carolina and that wars and uprisings throughout the earth would finally result in the end of all Nations at the time of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Sometime after His death and resurrection, He would appear to them for several days, teaching and blessing them. And it shall come to pass, after many days, slaves shall rise up against their masters, who shall be marshaled and disciplined for war. "From these centers, he. Christine Beadsworth That the earth will return to its original geographical state with the waters driven north and one landmass. Michael Snyder Sacrifice has been required to protect and to preserve the very freedoms we cherish.. John Whitehead These people have a temporary membership and influence in the Church; but unless they repent, they will be missing when the final membership records are recorded. But the Doctrine and Covenants, being more contemporary, predicts war globally, beginning in America. He saw the persecution of the Native Americans, including whatever few remnants of his own family might remain. You know, and I know, that the Ten Commandments contain the will of our Heavenly Father, and I am grateful, not only for the civil laws but also for the laws God has given us. They are run by the world, therefore, Hello Annie Marie. In the revelation recorded in Section 133 of the Doctrine and Covenants, is recorded the prediction that the gospel would be taken to every nation, tongue, and kindred by Mormon missionaries. It simply means that there are some who, for the time being at least, are members of the Church but not in harmony with it. There are many mormon leaders that have warned about the coming destruction of the USA. There is a portent of stormy weather ahead to which we had better give heed.I urge you, brethren, to look to the condition of your finances. They returned to Nauvoo for a few months before finally embarking on their mission. Despite facing potential violence or imprisonment in returning to Missouri, Brigham Young was determined to act in accordance with the prophecy. Thankful you know where she is, thats a comfort and a blessing. Everywhere was chaos, rioting, people crying, screaming, weeping, government agencies on high alert, ambulances, sirens, alarms, darkness outside, lots of disaster, invasions all over America, there was plundering everywhere. After they were driven from the land, additional revelation helped them understand their experience and find new ways to channel their energy toward completing the Lords work. They destroyed our military and all of our defenses. All means of manufacturing will also be entirely destroyed. They plan to attack from such remote bases as Cuba, Nicaragua, Central America, Mexico, and the ocean. Instruction, 2April 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards, Historical Introduction to Joseph Smith, Journal, 1839, History, 18381856, volume D-1 [1August 18421July 1843]. These concepts were an integral part of the LDS Churchs origin and restoration, and they continue to distinguish the Church from many other religious movements (Encyclopedia of Mormonism [1992], 3:1160). His responsibility is to make known God's will and true character to mankind and to show the meaning of His dealings with them. A person who has been called by and speaks for God. He learned that no one would come to the land unless brought by the hand of God. Yes I have read Demitri Dudemans visions,especially the one re America .Monique is talking about in this video ..I quoted Demitri Dudeman and what he said/saw in vision in another post under comments..I read his visions on his website Hands of Help Ministries. I also had a knowing there was something else, a secret area where they had missiles and bombs. responsiveVoice.cancel(); I know we, What Im hoping people will get out of this post is a willingness to see the powerful, commanding God of, Hi Katherine, there are multiple issues with the gap theory between Gen. 1:1 1:2. Joseph Smith, founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, is viewed by the movement's adherents as a prophet in the tradition of the ancient prophets recorded in the Bible. the nation was in chaos and America was already weak. The Book of Mormon is a history, both chronological and religious, of several groups of people who were led to the Americas through the influence of the Lord. Jon Miltimore He learned that God intended the land to be kept secret from the world for a time, to keep it from being overrun before the time came for it to be discovered. Thats the word that kept playing in my mind, This is a stealth operation. Unseen, unknown, no one knew where the bombs were, but I could see they were coming from China. (See 2 Ne. . Great awakening Start from video time mark 40 mm:, Know whatcha mean Landon ive been expecting the crash since 2001, and then preparing for it since 2008, and, Yes Phil, things are tragic , the world has reached the Tipping point so to speak.- (The Point of No, Anne Utter tragic and evil if true regards Phil. They will be wasted away, and the fullness of the wrath of Almighty God will be poured out upon them, unless they repent. Mormon apologists find it necessary to place doubt on the prophecy since it contains information that is certainly spurious. I had the knowing that it was going to be a war all over the world, I knew it would be World War III. I had a knowing that both nations were in on it. I heard government agencies talking and they couldnt deal with all the issues going on at once. I personally foresee the day when the New World Order brings its Mark of the Beast to a broken and shattered Utah. ThenI woke up. Scriptural Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith :161. As we do so, we might also recognize that freedom is not free. Christy Johnston The restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the most significant fact since the resurrection of Jesus Christ. First thing that came to, BOB, Sadly, none of these tragic events in NZ appear normal weather events to me. There were so many missiles coming towards the USA, too many to count them. It was a secret because it wasnt a known place to the world that they had already set up all the missiles ready for launching. Wanda Alger (See 2 Nephi 1 .). I had the knowing there were stealth technologies as well as hidden locations, unknown locations where they already have nuclear missiles ready to launch when they are ready. Vol.5 of the Documents series of The Joseph Smith Papers, edited by RonaldK. Esplin, MatthewJ. Historical Introduction to Joseph Smith, Journal, 1839, listenButton1.onclick = function(){ It was either a natural disaster or perhaps a false flag, but it felt very evil and it affected the whole nation. In fact, what he would do was known in prophecy at least 600 years before the birth of Christ, when the ancient American prophet, Nephi, foresaw Columbus' coming to the New World in a vision and recorded what he saw on metal plates. I was in a room with a table before me. The destruction of the recent US government is necessary for world-peace and the preservation for the earth and democracy for mankind. Missiles were launched from Russia and then China attacked. I believed it, but also believed I should check with Church Headquarters. The rate of pornography and sex abusers is astounding and it can be safely said that Salt Lake City is as crime-ridden as any city its size. The last days were ushered in by Joseph Smiths First Vision, which occured in 1820. When someone told him they thought a prophet always speaks as a prophet, Joseph countered that a Prophet was a Prophet only when he was acting as such.11 At the same time, he did not shy away from speaking boldly when the Lord gave him revealed instructions, and he stood by his prophetic pronouncements. A time is coming when the great and populous city of New Yorkthe greatest city of the American Republic, will be left without inhabitants. Therefore, it is interesting and one can wonder, but even the in depth study in The Joseph Smith Papers dud not add it nor cause it to be recognized by The Church. Morningstar News Actually, my mother, grandmother and myself had the same type of dream a few years ago. The idea that members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will at one or more times take action to save an imperiled US Constitution has been referenced by numerous Church leaders, but as to the Rushton version of the Prophecy, the Church has stated that "the so-called 'White Horse Prophecy'. You have seen a number of cities. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. For the official Church websites, please visit or Tell us how you are, We are moving, put our house up for sale after 28 years and its an emotional rollercoaster. Robert F. Kennedy Jr Related Topics: Joseph SmithJr., Revelations of Joseph Smith. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the position of the Church. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. There was a lot of talk in the background coming from all over the nation. This, from a small portion of Illuminati Mormons that want to keep the people in a thoughtless stupor until the time is far past for surviving the coming calamities. The story comes from the rabid anti-Russian h More garbage from the Express, the most rabid Really? The Second Coming will burn the wicked, change the face of the earth, and deliver the righteous from their graves. Joseph Smith had told them where it would start, that it should be a terrible time of bloodshed and that it should start in South Carolina. Its become, Oh Danielle: I am so sorry. Caroline Diadem General Washington and all the men that labored for the purpose were inspired of the Lord., We trace the hand of the Almighty in framing the constitution of our land, and believe that the Lord raised up men purposely for the accomplishment of this object, raised them up and inspired them to frame the Constitution of the United States., I hope with all my soul that the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will be loyal in their very hearts and souls, to the principles of the Constitution of our country. 1: 7) . . (D&C 112:24-26. At the time the revelation was received, South Carolina and the federal government of the United States were involved in a dispute, but it was peacefully resolved the next March. For behold, the Southern States shall be divided against the Northern States, and the Southern States will call on other nations, even the nation of Great Britain, as it is called, and they shall also call upon other nations, in order to defend themselves against other nations; and then war shall be poured out upon all nations. LDS Last Days A collection of quotes from prominent leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints concerning the last days, as well as predictions from ancient and modern scripture. In some instances, Joseph Smith used prophetic language in informal settings. It references both the King James Version of the Bible as well as other Church standardized scriptures and official publications. We must not sell this priceless, divine heritage which was largely paid for by the blood of patriots and prophets for a mess of pottage, for a counterfeit, a false doctrine parading under the cloak of love and compassion, of humanitarianism, even of Christianity., Both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States were brought forth under the inspiration of God to establish and maintain the freedom of the people of this nation. It will be such a destructive war that in comparison to the sufferings and the drivings of the people of Nauvoo, it would be only a drop in the bucket.. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. is not embraced as Church doctrine; * The Book of Mormon testifies of Jesus Christ and of the Bible. 15, Christ is our advocate with the Father; 610, The gospel is a messenger to prepare the way before the Lord; 1115, Enoch and his brethren were received by the Lord unto himself; 1623, Christ revealed signs of his coming as given on the Mount of Olives; 2438, The gospel will be restored, the times of the Gentiles will be fulfilled, and a desolating sickness will cover the land; 3947, Signs, wonders, and the Resurrection are to attend the Second Coming; 4853, Christ will stand on the Mount of Olives, and the Jews will see the wounds in his hands and feet; 5459, The Lord will reign during the Millennium; 6062. (Is this of God, or of man? It is like a great tree under whose branches men from every clime can be shielded from the burning rays of the sun., The signers of the Declaration of Independence and the framers of the Constitution were inspired from on high to do that work., It was by and through the power of God, that the fathers of this country framed the Declaration of Independence, and also that great palladium of human rights, the Constitution of the United States., Those men who laid the foundation of this American government and signed the Declaration of Independence were the best spirits the God of heaven could find on the face of the earth. Dana Jarvis Many of Joseph Smiths prophecies were visionary statements about the Lords will for the Church, which the Saints understood as being predicated on their faith and on human agency.4 Many of these prophecies were fulfilled as the Saints moved ahead in faith to carry them out. }else{ To volunteer, contribute, or suggest content, click here. Nate Johnston Its writers saw our time and wrote for our needs as they preserved the record of a people who experienced the coming of Christ. In fact, the spirit of greed and fraud has only increased as people became more desperate to impress their friends and neighbors with their temporal possessions. Shields down. Even now they are preparing an attack against America. Prophecies Concerning the Coming of Jesus Christ to the Americas 2. And now I am prepared to say by the authority of Jesus Christ, that not many years shall pass away before the United States shall present such a scene of bloodshed as has not a parallel in the history of our nation; pestilence, hail, famine, and earthquake will sweep the wicked of this generation from off the face of the land, to open and prepare the way for the return of the lost tribes of Israel from the north country. He said: Sometimes we hear someone refer to a division in the Church. That the gospel will be taken first to the Gentiles and then to the Jews. Their cities will be left desolate. Pay off debt as quickly as you can, and free yourselves from bondageThis is a part of the temporal gospel in which we believe.. Joseph Smith, History, 18381856, volume D-1 [1August 18421July 1843], 1464,; punctuation standardized. Ethan Huff Russia had attacked first. The pivotal event in the Book of Mormon is the appearance of Jesus Christ on the American continent. Contained within the principles of that great heaven-inspired document is the message of this Church to the world in this fateful hour. Then a world-wide fast and unprecedented Solemn Assembly is conducted. Daniel Pontious Were we surprised when the last terrible war took place here in the United States? Brian Shilhavy I did my own map and circled on a piece of paper, very strong around the word USAand right next to it, I strongly circled the USSR. She received The Lord when she was a teenager. The Lord proscribed the use of these substances, not only because they are unhealthy, but because they are addictive. Everywhere was chaos, rioting, people crying, screaming, weeping, government agencies on high alert, ambulances, sirens, alarms, darkness outside, lots of disaster, invasions all over America, there was plundering everywhere. Elder Bruce R. McConkie said: "The prophecies do not name the modern nations which will be fighting for and against Israel, but the designation Gog and Magog is given to the combination of nations which are seeking to overthrow and destroy the remnant of the Lord's chosen seed." (Mormon Doctrine, p. . Whitney Webb, Repost of My Vision Given in 2017 - Russia and China WW3, Prophecy Update: Introduction & The Rider on The Black Horse, Fake news regarding the Ukraine war is deceiving many, The King, this King Charles, will be Usurped, Prophetic dream warns Russian bombs falling in EU member. I also was given a vision of a military strike on America. Very interesting that events that, Between the 13th and 15 of February we had a severe cyclone hit NZ affecting several regions. The Lord himself said that he raised up the very men who framed the Constitution of the United States and directed that membership of this Church should pray for and sustain those who represented the Constitution of this land. Be sure when you see these things come that you have buttons, needles, cloth and things to work with as much as possible, to make yourselves clothing, because all tools and every kind of machinery will be destroyed. ( They tried to, Thank you for sharing this , God bless you, Annie Marie; Found this article with Video on alt. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. One of Joseph Smiths most well-known millennial prophecies related to the American Civil War. The Son of Man has said that the mother shall be against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother. These things are at our doors. Grant (1918- 1945) George Albert Smith (1945- 1951) David O. McKay (1951- 1970) Joseph Fielding Smith (1970- 1972) Harold B. Lee (1972- 1973) I saw blood, desolation, fires. As a messenger of God, a prophet receives commandments, prophecies, and revelations from God. They must perish, unless they repent. Monique Bizet was born in Venezuela, South America, and migrated with her family to the United States when she was very young. And now, verily saith the Lord, that these things might be known among you, O inhabitants of the earth, I have sent forth mine angel flying through the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel, who hath appeared unto some and hath committed it unto man, who shall appear unto manythat dwell on the earth. }; One that comes to mind, Since all that God is and does is perfect, the fact that He brought order from disorder indicates there was, Im sorry for your loss. The health laws of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are, perhaps, the most noticeable thing about the Church and its members. It simply means that there are some who, for the time being at least, are members of the Church but not in harmony with it. And would you feel to rejoice? Today, Utah is the home of great wealth, just like John Taylor predicted. The Mormon religion warns about the pursuit of wealth over spiritual development. That there will be two great religious centers, Zion and Jerusalem (which are two different places). American Legal and Political Institutions, Christian Churches in Joseph Smiths Day, Daily Life of First-Generation Latter-day Saints, Joseph Smiths 1844 Campaign for United States President, Lectures on Theology (Lectures on Faith), Martin Harriss Consultations with Scholars, Printing and Publishing the Book of Mormon, Religious Beliefs in Joseph Smiths Day, Restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood, Temple Dedications and Dedicatory Prayers, Vision of the Redemption of the Dead (D&C138), Prophecies of Joseph Smith, Church History Topics. Tasmania will be the final place standing , hells gates, before the armies surround Israel when Jesus returns to vanquish them all with a wall of fire. Prophecies Concerning the Book of Mormon Peoples after Christ's Coming 3. Lehi was told in the vision that if the people who lived there would keep the commandments, the land would be one of liberty and would never be taken into captivity by another nation. He was told the land was covenanted to his family and to others who would come to it from around the world by the hand of God. Your email address will not be published. and all that has been happening. Michele Burdo Their sin has reached into heaven. But the Doctrine and Covenants, being more contemporary, predicts war globally, beginning in America. Alan Macleod No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing, Joseph affirmed, despite the adversity the young Church had already faced. At the time he received this revelation, there was no inkling whatsoever that the slave question might lead to war: I prophesy, in the name of the Lord God, that the commencement of the difficulties which will cause much bloodshed previous to the coming of the Son of Man will be in South Carolina (v 12). Monique Bizet Many good men now and have always existed in what is now self-named black. Content additions and various projects are underway. Today, it marks the end of the citys boundaries) It was established for the rights and protection of all flesh according to just and holy principles., Christianity in its fullness and truth has been restored to the earth by direct revelation. He even created a website called I feel equally bound to sustain the Constitution of the United States which came from the same source as the Ten Commandments. The gift of prophecy was an important aspect of Joseph Smiths calling and legacy. In my vision I was given the knowledge that Russia was the main player in the attack. Except the spirit of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and principles contained within the Constitution of the United States are inherent in world plans now being formulated, they are but building on sand and the Lord is not in that building., This restoration was preceded by a long period of preparation. They are now some of the most valiant Latter-Day-Saints. Katherine Lehman The Mormon religion warns about the pursuit of wealth over spiritual development. The Napier and, Annie I wonder if these ongoing events are deliberately engineered by the US GOVERNMENT and Globalists. I said it, and I believe it to be true. I had the knowing there was Martial Law. When I reflect on how I found the gospel, I realize that my familys experiences informed two important pieces of my testimony. Cookies are enabled, and the ocean so, we are moving, put our house for! Civil war one knew where the bombs were, but I could see they were from... Historical Introduction to Joseph Smith used prophetic language in informal settings Cuba, Nicaragua, Central America and. Going on at once knew where the bombs were, but I see... Check with Church Headquarters later the product of the earth, and 18. James Version of the USA area where they had missiles and bombs and website in this fateful hour to for! 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