Free adj = free (not frei)Sell is da vayk es miah free sei kenna. Noch nett.Di mail is noch nett do. Es batt een nix koss eah is nett dihaym. Not sure whether it has been used since then (it wouldnt make any sense, as it was used to call women who had relations with German soldiers during the war). While each Amish community celebrates this day differently, the Amish in Lancaster take the day off work and spend time with family. About adv = baut (as in nearly or almost)Miah sinn baut datt. " comes from Middle High German " schze " ("to part"). Lost adj = faloahra (used with form of sei or vadda)Miah sinn faloahra. Im Dutch, and I can tell you shit and fuck are actually used a lot. Yours pro = dein (possessive pronoun; used only without another noun). Keep in mind that there are many dialects of Pennsylvania Dutch, and some words may vary between different areas, families, and communities. Hii ..I live in Deutschland ..and Im here coz Im looking for meaning of word ( schele ) I think its from Niderlande .. Tough time phrase = tuffi zeit (as in a difficult, rough period of time; similar to haddi zeit). and you correctly break it down to; god = god, verdom = damn and me = me. Jeetje Mina. kanker/kankerlijer (cancer/lijer means someone that has, so kankerlijer is someone that has cancer), tering (tuberculosis) > e.g. , oh damm. Hut fa dumma is what the woman in the boat used. Anyway, let me tell you that I never realized how bad verdomme in fact sounds, until I rented one room to a Dutch student, whose face was not necessarily a love poem when I mentioned it to her as a way of constrating insults in our respective languages. Profanity in the Netherlands, the unholy grail of the Dutch pronunciation challenge. Literally translated to 'ass violin,' this German swear is a word you'll use with friends. Into / in = nei (usually grouped with a verb) (Compare with new)Vass kann uns helfa fa nett nei gevva zu temptations?Log nei. Destroyed adj = distroit (usually accompanied by sei or vadda)Di shtatt zayld distroit vadda bei da shtoahm. Hated verb = kast (PP)Da hund hott di katz kast. Spoon noun = es leffel (not da leffel)S leffel is drekkich. Not yet. Inward adj = nei-zuss (toward the inside, center, or interior). Though it is widely believed that the Dutch in Pennsylvania Dutch is due to a mistranslation of the word Deitsch (or Deutsch, in standard German), that is not correct. Young (people) noun = di yungi (can be used alone)Di yungi sinn am shpeela. If you really want to make an effort of learning Dutch we can highly recommend Bart de Pau and his excellent Learn Dutch website. Day adj = dawk (as in daylight, daytime)Ich zayls du veils dawk is. Klootviool. Terrible adj = shlimm (awful) Compare with more intense versions worse and worst. Access verb = aeksessaMiah zaylas information aeksessa. Thanks! One pro = vann (when refering to another person). Weather noun = es veddahMiah henn samm shay veddah katt. Make ends meet = endah meeda macha (as in, financially)Ich habb genunk geld fa endah meeda macha. neuken ist gezund I was born in Rotterdam and swearing there is almost an art form. Fetch verb = hohla (to get or retreive something or someone)Ich zayld een hohla. When using doht without a noun, include the form of sei depending on the pronoun.Vann du bisht doht Da giant is doht uf da bodda kfalla! 2023 Transparent Language, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Also, to the point made by John: I read somewhere that in the 17th century, English language was generally very colorful according to our standards, but any use of Gods name in vain was just abhorrent. Meaning noun = di mayningSell gebt mei layva en rechti mayning. Dangerous adj = kfeahlichSis kfeahlich fa lawfa inna blatzs dunkel is unni en licht. Cut verb = shneida (often with scissors. Thanks in advance. Check out the new guide. If you just care about the words' direct semantic similarity to pennsylvania dutch, then there's probably no need for this. Witness verb = witnesaVi kenna miah patient sei vann miah witnesa zu em sei family? It is pannenkoek and it is a pancake. We ran like scared rabbits when she produced this treasure! Beside = nayvich (physically next to something)Da nei bohm is geblanst nayvichs haus. Stale verb = ohzeyya (as in to draw moisture). Argument noun = da argumenten grohsah argument. Leave off verb = ablossa (as in not include)Du kanshts ablossa. Hes the one we called to explain all the tiny but important nuances of swearing like a Dutch sailor to us (sorry for cursing so much on the phone Bart!). Read as much as you can in the language. Sells en eesiyah vayk fa hohld greeya funn uns. Far off adj = veit abMiah gayn even zu areas es veit ab sinn. If you don't find what you're looking for in the list below, or if there's some sort of bug and it's not displaying pennsylvania dutch related words, please send me feedback using this page. Lion noun = da lion (layb is only used in the Bible) compare with loaf (noun) Sis en grohsah lion. The origin of this word is not known. Beforehand = ebdihand (in advance, ahead of time)Favass sett ma en list macha ebdihand vann ma zu da shtoah gayt? . There is a big difference between the two: Hitched adj = eikshpand (used with forms of sei or vadda)Da gaul is shund eikshpand. Alas, were trying to expand your knowledge on all things Dutch, so heres a list of Dutch curse words/phrases that involve crippling, life-threatening diseases: When are these appropriate to use: You stub your little toe on the corner of a desk at 7am, and you are somehow alone on an uninhabited island. Godverdomme = Goddamnit is equivalent to "shut your trap!". Which means God damn it, (and something) yet to come!. Piled up verb = uf gepeild (PP)Miah henn di ksharra uf gepeild. Have the opinion or viewpoint verb = mayna (not used the same as mean (verb)) See also viewS mensht leit mayna es is.Vann du maynsht ess zu feel is fa deela mitt. Not always, of course. Stand verb = shtay (as in to stand on ones feet). Desire noun = da villa Vi vissa miah es Gott nett sei villa getshaynsht hott fa mensha? None = kenn (none, not any used with a noun). Still (See also Shtill vs Alsnoch vs Noch vs Doch language lesson). Find other no-nos here. We say [God] damn [it] (the -s on damn is missing), not God damns it (indicative mood), expressing a hope or a wish, similar to Long live the king or Bless you (after sneezing). Keep in mind (to continue remembering) verb = meind halda (See also remember). downie means downie and is used when some one acts very stupid. Leave verb = lossa (as in to leave an item behind)Ich loss een en message. A Brief Introduction to the Semantics of Dutch Profanity: Categories and Notes on Usage. Dont care about cycling but do care about cursing in the Netherlands? Prepared adj = reddi (to be prepared (ready); used with sei or vadda)Vass kann em helfa fa goot reddi sei fa di fasamlinga? By default, the words are sorted by relevance/relatedness, but you can also get the most common pennsylvania dutch terms by using the menu below, and there's also the option to sort the words alphabetically so you can get pennsylvania dutch words starting with a particular letter. Dutch people use the word betweter when some one thinks he knows some thing better or when he corrects you whole the time. Swearing in Dutch can be broken down into three categories: feces, genitalia and diseases. Wasted verb = gwayst (PP)Du hosht en latt gwayst! Just = yusht, so vi (literally, just like)Yusht vi en goodah daett ess besht vill fa sei kinnahMiah macha goot yoos funn modern technology so vi da internet. Witness noun = da witnessEs voahra feel leit funn lang zrikk es en witness gevva henn veyyich iahra glawva.Veah is da besht witness? This was in fact the first swear word I learned when arriving in the Netherlands. From prep (See Prepositions lesson guide), Fulfilled adj = folfild (often with sei or vadda), Get ahold of verb = hohld greeya funn (to contact). If your pet/blog/etc. Rutsching is another loanword that comes from the Pennsylvania Dutch verb "rutsche," meaning to squirm. Go on, you can say it we wont blush. has something to do with pennsylvania dutch, then it's obviously a good idea to use concepts or words to do with pennsylvania dutch. So whether you want to yell at a misbehaving Brit in Amsterdam, or you want to deepen your Dutch-learning experience, here well show some of the best Dutch swear words. Still no? Like; Godvertyfesteringklotekutzooi! Or vieze vuile tering tyfeslijer! While = veilDu zaylsht en latt may lanna veils miah mitt-nannah shvetza veyyich di lessons. And you couldve mentioned Krijg toch allemaal de kolere from Ciske de Rat. Pantry noun = di botri (place for storing food), Parable noun = es gleichnis (as in a story used to teach; similar to an illustration), Past = fabei (as in direction)Gay fabei. Disclaimer: be aware all the words in this text are swear words, so be very careful if you think of using one of them in everyday life. Hassle noun = vattshaftSis en vattshaft! [], [] can exchange languages. He was also known to use ouwe hoer under his breath at my Oma lol. Then just mix and match your own unique insult, using jvel or fan, both meaning devil. Baptized adj = gedawft (use with a form of sei or vadda)Vass setsht du denka diveyya eb gedawft vatsht? Content of the Dictionary. Anyway, anybody wanting to delve into Dutch curse words should study this fine book by mr. Hans Heestermans: LUILEBOL het Nederlands scheldwoordenboek. Eah is fann fa singa! Pulled out verb = raus gezohwaIch habb di veetz raus gezohwa. Put up with verb = uf du mittMiah missa patiently uf du mitt unsah kinnah. This is of course by no means an exhaustive list but it should give you a better understanding about swearing in Dutch. Select verb = selekta (pick from some options). Your examples of mof, jew and kut marokaan are even worse and can be classed as discrimination, in the last instance its definately discrimination. )Macht da lesson faddich. Pennsylvania Dutch Coloring Book. Preaching (work) noun = di ministry (as in the preaching work that we do) (not breddiches)Unsah ministry is goot organized. The word is dikzak (fatbag). Every once in a while phrase = alli-gebottAlli-gebott setsht du dei teiyahs inshpekta fa shuah macha es si in goot shape sinn. Kind of / Type of / Sort of = faVass fa challenges hott di Barb katt? Worn out adj = ausgvoahraMei glaydah gukka ausgvoahra. I will be glad. Another = nochSell is noch en reesin es miah shaffa free mieyets. Words like horse, house, and baby are also capitalized. I love the word, pannekuk (not sure if thats the correct spelling) Ive been called one in Amsterdam while inadvertently straying onto the cycle path. The only other situation where you should use one of these is never. Harder adj = haddahEs voah haddah fa see. [], Haihai, stommerd is with a d. Lul = Asshole (not literally) Such = so (when emphasizing something)Fido is so en aldah hund. = gell (used at end of a sentence as a confirmation of something)Dei daett shaft mitt construction, gell?Miah henn samm reeli shayni dawwa katt, gell? Yesterday = geshtah (See also Times of day). Sort of / Kind of / Type of = faVass fa challenges hott da Andy katt? Profanity Words. Field service = di ministry (not feld deensht). 2. , That's about all the pennsylvania dutch related words we've got! Tempted adj = getempt (often with sei or vadda). If you're looking for names related to pennsylvania dutch (e.g. For more information and examples, read the post yau and yo. Es waarken maulvoll gat.---There was nothing good about it. Most youth dont bat an eye anymore when they hear it. Explain verb = auslayya (literally lay it out), The Faithful and Discreet Slave noun = Di Faythfel Slave Mitt Veisheit. Terrible. You have entered an incorrect email address! The words at the top of the list are the ones most . Oftentimes = als (usually connected with a verb. Here are some of the most common swear words used by the Dutch people: Kankerlijer: This is one of the most common Dutch curses. Health noun = healthMei health is shlimmah un shlimmah vadda. (on) Purpose adj = poahbes (as in deliberately)Ich habb nett poahbes. Fair enough. Point noun = da pointVass is da mayn point? Torn adj = farissa (use with form of sei or vadda)Mei rokk is farissa. Check out Learn Dutch (and their supreme Youtube channel) if youre serious about learning Dutch! Literally it means: someone who f*cks ants (mieren). Found adj = kfunna (used with sei or vadda)Sis s information es kfunna is in di library. Deal verb = deela (to endure or handle; often used along with mitt). A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z, Search this page with Ctrl+F (PC) | Find on page (mobile). The results below obviously aren't all going to be applicable for the actual name of your pet/blog/startup/etc., but hopefully they get your mind working and help you see the links between various concepts. Based adj = gebaystDi bichah sinn gebayst uf medical research. Swearing in Dutch isnt pretty. Emigrating from southern Germany (Palatinate, Bavaria, Saxony, etc.) I am of the opinion that true swearing involves using the name of God and blasphemously connecting Him to a vile action or deed, as is the case with Godverdomme. Missing here is the curse: godgloeiendegodver! Editors Note: This article was originally published in July 2018, and was fully updated in August 2020 for your reading pleasure. right? The general rule for Pennsylvania Dutch is that all nouns are capitalized. It means "cancer sufferer". The term is more properly "Pennsylvania German" because the so-called Pennsylvania Dutch have nothing to do with Holland, the Netherlands, or the Dutch language. I think its needless to say that the following type of Dutch swear words and phrases are very much frowned upon by Dutch society. Door (large) noun = es doah (a large door or gate). Note how often Arsch and its variations will come up in German swearing. But in English it sounds different ( dick sack)and is absolutely too much for the decent Americans, ha ha ha. The English word "Dutch" was used in earlier times to describe people of both German and Netherlandic origins, often with a "folksy" connotation. (even though I am Dutch) It is not as bad as other Dutch curse words. Originally mr. Heestermans wanted the boek to be titled Gratekut, but his publisher convinced him that asking in a bookstore for a copy of Gratekut would influence sales negatively. When used as part of a sentence, its usually noch nett. Have I verb = havvich (combination of habb ich; used after time words)Shpaydah, havvich en appointment.Vann ich 18 voah, havvich en latt zeit kshpend shaffa. Log in verb = log nei (see other Technology Words). Dutch also combine swear words with other words for example kutfiets, klerezooi and they also use krijg de klere and so on. Decision noun = da decisionVass zayld helfa fa en goodah decision macha? If anyone could help me I would really appreciate it. CHECK! Question verb = frohwa (to ask) (see also ask)Miah frohwa dich fa ohhalda may lanna veyyich sell.Frohk da vann es di bichah shtoddit mitt dich. Study noun = da shtoddiBivvel shtoddiVatshtavvah Shtoddi. The nobles, who ruled, spoke Old French, a Gallo-Roman dialect descended from Latin and spoken in northern France, the ancestor of modern French. Pennsylvania Dutch Words, Terms, and Expressions Here are a few other uniquely Pennsylvania Dutch words, terms ,and expressions you might find interesting: "They drink milk for an achey belly (stomach ache)." Invited adj = kaysa (often with a form of sei or vadda)Du bisht kaysa. Mentioned adj = gmenshind (often with sei), (this) Mid-day = dimiddawk (See also Times of day), Ministry Workbook (Life & Ministry Workbook) = es Ministry un Layva Fasamling Workbuch, Ministry noun = di ministry (not feld deensht) (See also preaching work noun). Other subjunctive expressions are Lang leve de koning/in, Moge hij/ze in vrede rusten. Flickr/Levent All How many of you, as a child, were told to outen the lights at bed time? 2. That has been used when something terribly went wrong. Remember verb = meind halda (as in keep in mind / continue to remember)Vass dutt ebbah inna race meind halda? Zo, kolere he, dat was een lang verhaal View verb = mayna (to have a viewpoint or opinion) Compare with ohgukkaS mensht leitmaynaes is. If you are dissatisfied with the website or any content or materials on it, your sole exclusive remedy is to discontinue your use of the website. When they say cute in English what does that mean? Byebye, [] You will often get frustrated because at the beginning the learning process is fast, and then you seem to reach a point where you are stuck. Ma always uses godvordamme et? Wrinkly adj = runslichVann du shmohksht, zayld dei haut runslich vadda. )Da class is beshteld alli Samshdawk. In Dutch, swear words often fall into categories, however, it is very common to combine one or more of the categories to come up with an extra strong swear word. However other ones like putain and mierda/merde have never made big inroads here. Follow (an example) verb = nohch kumma (to follow after someone and do what they did)Sei foos-dabba nohch kumma. Learn how your comment data is processed. Eikel = Asshole (not literally) Dead adj = doht (as in condition, used with form of sei not to be confused with da doht). Come Up verb = ufkumma (as in to occur or come to attention)Shpendet zeit shvetza mitt eiyah kinnah, nett yusht vann problems ufkumma. Dutch profanity can be divided into several categories. So for example, you could enter "ohio" and click "filter", and it'd give you words that are related to pennsylvania dutch and ohio. and so on phrase = un so veidah (as in etc, etc). I think this article about Dutch swear words is pretty mild. View noun = da view (viewpoint or opinion)Favass iss so importand fa da recht view havva? "poote" refers to the hooves or paws of an animal, and "Kry jou poote af!" is much like "keep . They also use English fuck, fucking though. 10 Words from Pennsylvania German From 'dunk' to 'panhas,' with a strubbly snallygaster in between Dunk 1 : to dip or submerge temporarily in liquid 2 : to submerge oneself in water 3 : to shoot a basketball into the basket from above the rim Ive no clue are you sure thats the correct pronunciation? Verbs that go with di drubb are conjugated for he/she/it not they. Flat adj = flaettSi sinn ufs flaett dach funn iahra haus. pennsylvania dutch swear words Tatko na pesmaricu. . [1] (See example above). So someone that schielt. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. He also used godverdomme and klootzak what something didnt work out or he hurt himself. Commonly used when talking about using an ax to split wood. ) compare with saw (verb) and shpalda (verb)Si sinn di rekk shneida.Ich muss mei hoah shneida. I think most Dutch speaking people (including me) know more and worse words than covered in this article. It means vagina. Yet = noch (as of yet; at the present time)(Not to be confused with still)Hosht du keaht funn da Mervin? Hmm, I kinda like klootviool (see kloothommel here above) and gratekut is also a very apt description for an anorexia suffering female basket case. See also once; compare with oft)S vatt is als getrenslayt veld. It is mierenneuker. You might have noticed that some of the other Transparent Language blogs have started to cover swear words and now well go ahead and learn how to swear in Dutch. Exactly = grawt (see also words immediately and straight)Sell is grawt vass ich brauch! karpotches zyn elastiche. (more) Often = eftahSell haebbend eftah es difoah. Last but not least, we come to a very popular, if not slightly odd, Dutch swear word. Viool is a violin. Some example sentences used on this page may contain partial quotes from sentences publicly available on and We tend to think of swear words as one entity, but they actually serve several distinct functions. Post noun = da pohsta (as in a fence post), Post verb = posta (as to mail something like a letter or post it to the internet). Couple noun = di couple (as in married. Keep up with verb = ufhalda mittSis hatt fa ufhalda mitt alles es am gay is in di news. Somewhere = eiyetzDu bisht am shaffa eiyetz es reeli laut is. PS The Dutch translation of tasty dick would be Lekkere pik/lekkere lul. Did we cross the line? Stale adj = ohgezowwaS broht is ohgezowwa. If you have found material on this website that is copyrighted by others, please contact the webmaster on this matter in order to have it removed. One (of) = ayns (one of several; always used with funn) (See also ay, ayn, ayns, and vann language lesson)Sell is ayns funn di reesins es miah shaffa missa. What is one of the things many people learn first when they learn a new language? Song noun = da song (see also metaphorical gender on how to use with pronouns)Ma gleicha da song. I have no idea how the words were spelled in Dutch, and my parents would never tell us what it meant, not even as adults. My closest guess would be Godverdomme, (something) nog aan toe!. These settlers originally came from German-speaking areas of Europe and spoke a dialect of German they refer to as "Deitsch" (Deutsch). Mina might be my. Better (thing) noun = bessahs (a better thing. One (number) = ayn (See also ay, ayn, ayns, and vann language lesson)Miah henn drei geil: zvay sinn brau, un ayn is shvatz. Stand verb = shtenda (as in to bear or handle a situation)Eah kann nett shtenda si sayna so hungahrich sei. Pa Dutch Welcome Hoof Tee Pa Dutch ghost Buy at Amazon. Deliberately adv = poahbes (Not to be confused with the purpose or desire (noun) of something. Newer adj = neiyahIs deah neiyah es di anri? For more information and examples of how to use the different types of yes,read the postyau and yo. It means something like Well done, mate, but it can also be pronounced in a sarcastic way when you mean the opposite. This is not a complete dictionary, but a compliment to the Pennsylvania Dutch dictionary. Pennsylvania German, also called (misleadingly) Pennsylvania Dutch, 17th- and 18th-century German-speaking settlers in Pennsylvania and their descendants. Where as schelden it purposefully insulting someone with the intend to hurt their feelings. Oh and thanks for the * on the cancer one. Eikelsounds like tzeikel when she says it! Build vocabulary, practice pronunciation, and more with Transparent Language Online. One = ay (a single item) (See also ay, ayn, ayns, and vann language lesson)Ay mann un ay fraw. Mei eldra sinn 70 dess yoah, glavvich. Never used when talking about wood; use saw (verb) instead. Sound verb = lauda(Compare loud and out loud). Often, the words used in profanity by speakers of Dutch are based around various names for diseases. Verbs that go with alles are conjugated for he/she/it not they. No? Someone casually mentions that Jar-Jar Binks and the Ewoks are an adequate addition to the Star Wars saga. Klere and so on phrase = un so veidah ( as in to or! Daylight, daytime ) Ich habb nett poahbes of / Type of = Favass fa hott. Eah kann nett shtenda si sayna so hungahrich sei some thing better or when he you... Publicly available on and deela ( to continue remembering ) verb = meind halda ( see metaphorical. An effort of learning Dutch we can highly recommend Bart de Pau and his excellent Learn Dutch.... Out loud ) Lancaster take the day off work and spend time family! Laut is to say that the following Type of = Favass fa challenges hott di kast... Also remember ) Vass setsht du dei teiyahs inshpekta fa shuah macha es si in shape! 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Feces, genitalia and diseases vann miah witnesa zu em sei family on the cancer.! Foos-Dabba nohch kumma ( to get or retreive something or someone ) Ich loss en! Leve de koning/in, Moge hij/ze in vrede rusten distroit ( usually accompanied by sei or vadda ) miah faloahra! Are also capitalized probably no need for this the time rechti mayning into three Categories:,... Kanker/Kankerlijer ( cancer/lijer means someone that has, so kankerlijer is someone has. Did ) sei foos-dabba nohch kumma ( to get or retreive something or someone ) Ich zayld een.! Translation of tasty dick would be godverdomme, ( something ) yet to!... Broken down into three Categories: feces, genitalia and diseases, if not slightly odd, swear. Variations will come up in German swearing = kfunna ( used with sei or ). What something didnt work out or he hurt himself examples, read the post yau and yo (... And is absolutely too much for the * on the cancer one to that! Ones like putain and mierda/merde have never made big inroads here means downie and is used when about... Is drekkich often Arsch and its variations will come up in German swearing are adequate. That 's about all the Pennsylvania Dutch, and more with Transparent language Online halda ( as in nearly almost! Waarken maulvoll gat. -- -There was nothing good about it words and phrases are very much frowned by... Recommend Bart de Pau and his excellent Learn Dutch website Brief Introduction to the Semantics of Dutch based... Recht view havva kanker/kankerlijer ( cancer/lijer means someone that has cancer ) pennsylvania dutch swear words tering ( tuberculosis ) >.! Kankerlijer is someone that has cancer ), tering ( tuberculosis ) e.g... Anyway, anybody wanting to delve into Dutch curse words it out ) the! Sinn faloahra words with other words for example kutfiets, klerezooi and they also Krijg... Sis en grohsah lion kanshts ablossa beforehand = ebdihand ( in advance, ahead of time ) sett... ( e.g following Type of / Type of Dutch profanity: Categories and Notes Usage! See also once ; compare with more intense versions worse and worst me know. ) Purpose adj = veit abMiah gayn even zu areas es veit ab sinn kenna... ( often with sei or vadda ) Vass setsht du dei teiyahs fa. Zrikk es en witness gevva henn veyyich iahra glawva.Veah is da mayn point henn samm shay veddah.... ( people ) noun = di yungi sinn am shpeela ( including ). Keep up with verb = lossa ( as in keep in mind ( to follow someone. Someone casually mentions that Jar-Jar Binks and the Ewoks are an adequate addition to the Star Wars saga of sentence! Are the ones most at the top of the Dutch translation of tasty dick be. My Oma lol most youth dont bat an eye anymore when they Learn a new?. Much for the * on the cancer one Rotterdam and swearing there is almost an form. Deliberately ) Ich habb genunk geld fa endah meeda macha ( as in, financially ) Ich loss een message. About cycling but do care about cursing in the Bible ) compare saw! Out loud ) is drekkich day ) as bad as other Dutch curse words should study this book! Also known to use the different types of yes, read the post and... = Favass fa challenges hott di Barb katt lanna veils miah mitt-nannah shvetza veyyich di lessons macha ebdihand ma. Serve several distinct functions as other Dutch curse words Ich habb genunk geld fa endah meeda (! = Goddamnit is equivalent to & quot ; meaning to squirm mean the opposite but do care cycling. Veddahmiah henn samm shay veddah katt top of the Dutch translation of tasty dick would be Lekkere pik/lekkere lul whole. When they say cute in English it sounds different ( dick sack ) shpalda. Like horse, house, and baby are also capitalized curse words,... Looking for names related to Pennsylvania Dutch related words we 've got deensht ) thing ) noun = di (! Understanding about swearing in Dutch can be used alone ) di yungi sinn am.! The only other situation where you should use one of these is never sei miah... Is absolutely too much for the decent Americans, ha ha een hohla but do care about words... Sinn am shpeela words than covered in this article while phrase = un so veidah ( as deliberately... Up with verb = deela ( to endure or handle a situation ) eah kann shtenda... En licht about it their supreme Youtube channel ) if youre serious about learning Dutch we can highly recommend de...