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"unitID": "", "unitOfMeasure": "", { "sequence": "815.00000", Mustard (the most difficult stain) I asked my SW rep for his recommendations on top coat and he suggested Emerald Urethane trim enamel. Emerald Urethane Enamel: Oil / Alkyd- Good adhesion, excellent durability and stain resistance make Sherwin-Williams oil/alkyd-based paints excellent choices for trim in high-traffic rooms, such as kitchens and bathrooms. "Sheen_Satin": 84, "sequence": "20.00000", "attributes": [ "values": [{ { "identifier": "1 Quart", "identifier": "Black", "catentry_id": "885039", "967522": "PL_9506409", "uniqueID": "7000000000000005586" "967523": "Lifetime Limited Warranty", "product_number": "K37B01760", "values": [{ "Sheen_Gloss": 86, "searchable": false, "partNumber": "651199606", "uniqueID": "7000000000004551002" "uniqueID": "7000000000000365530" "identifier": "Semi-Gloss", The decision of whether to paint over brush or spray paint cabinets can be difficult. 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"identifier": "Satin", Professional painter Jeremy Vassar reviews Sherwin Williams Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel. makes things look nicer towards the end of the paint's life. ] "identifier": "Black", "uniqueID": "7000000000000005705" Make sure every layer is dry before applying the next one. "885015": "Lifetime Limited Warranty", Rust-Oleum. "sales_number": "6512-07482" "unitID": "", 1. "ItemImage467": "//sherwin.scene7.com/is/image/sw/paint_template-1?layer=comp&wid=250&fmt=jpeg&qlt=92%2c0&op_sharpen=0&resMode=sharp2&op_usm=0.0%2c0.0%2c0%2c0&iccEmbed=0&printRes=150&_tparam_layer_1_src=sw/651207847_Emerald_Urethane_Trim_Enamel_Int_Ext_SG_Deep_Base_1G", "REGISTER_LOGIN_LINK": "Log in here", "unitOfMeasure": "", "searchable": true, "searchable": true, }, "searchable": true, "ATT_calc_size__volume_or_weight_+_item_": "1 Quart", "partNumber": "651199580", "ATT_calc_size__volume_or_weight_+_item_": "1 Quart", "unitOfMeasure": "", "usage": "Defining", "values": [{ Compare. "defaultDisplayFlag": "true", }], "unitOfMeasure": "", } { If the surface is exceptionally dirty and greasy even after using a tack cloth, your best bet is to use TSP to do a deep cleaning before priming. This was the worst smelling paint I ever used. "name": "Container Size", "unitID": "", In short, painting enamel paint over acrylic paint is possible if the acrylic paint has not been sealed with a topcoat and if the paint job is intact. } "ATT_calc_base_name_or_package_color_": "Ultradeep Base", "uniqueID": "7000000000000365530" "name": "Base", "usage": "Defining", "Sheen_Gloss": 86, "storeDisplay": false, "searchable": true, "sequence": "145.00000", "sequence": "510.00000", }, }, "storeDisplay": false, Click OK to extend your time for an additional 30 minutes. ] "unitOfMeasure": "", "uniqueID": "7000000000004551002" "values": [{ "uniqueID": "7000000000000005584" Sherwin Williams Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel has a dry time of 2 hours, and a restoration time of 4 hours. He explains why it's now our go-to trim paint and why you may want. { "identifier": "ATT_sheen", "Container Size_1 Quart": 84, "ATT_calc_base_name_or_package_color_": "Hi-Hide White", "885015": "PL_9506409", "comparable": true, }, "sales_number": "6512-07920" I would use that product like any other enamel I would spray. "usage": "Defining", 2 coats without a doubt. "storeDisplay": false, "Base_Ultra White": 86, "displayable": true, "Base_Black": 86, }, Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel - Best Overall. "ATT_sheen": "Satin" "sequence": "47.00000", "sales_number": "6512-07490" "value": "Semi-Gloss", "uniqueID": "7000000000002301503" "unitID": "", "values": [{ "isDiscontinued": "false", I hate the way it feels and for a semi gloss, it's more like a satin. "searchable": true, }], Most importantly, it is easy to clean, which is a requirement when selecting paint for kitchen cabinets.". Ive switched to the Emerald urethane though this year and have had good results. }, "ItemThumbnailImage": "//sherwin.scene7.com/is/image/sw/paint_template-1?layer=comp&wid=250&fmt=jpeg&qlt=92%2c0&op_sharpen=0&resMode=sharp2&op_usm=0.0%2c0.0%2c0%2c0&iccEmbed=0&printRes=150&_tparam_layer_1_src=sw/651207466_Emerald_Urethane_Trim_Enamel_Int_Ext_SG_UltraWhite_1G", }, "identifier": "1 Quart", "comparable": true, "ATT_sheen": "Gloss" "ATT_sheen": "Satin" "displayable": true, "unitOfMeasure": "", }, { "isDiscontinued": "false", You don't have to use a primer when touching up over oil-based paint with our Urethane Alkyd Enamel, but you would need to scuff sand any glossy surfaces before painting. 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"unitID": "", "967520": "PL_9506409", Emerald Urethane Semi-Gloss has a nice smooth hard shell finish. "ATT_calc_size__volume_or_weight_+_item_": "1 Gallon", ] "uniqueID": "7000000000000005705" "isTintable": "true", "usage": "Defining", "sequence": "30.00000", "searchable": true, "facetable": false, "searchable": false, "Container Size_1 Quart": 92, }, "unitID": "", "name": "Sheen", "displayable": true, "name": "Sheen", "storeDisplay": false, "uniqueID": "7000000000000005584" "sales_number": "6512-07474" "partNumber": "651207946", You can use a 309, 313 or 315 tip to give you a good controlled pattern. "unitID": "", "sequence": "510.00000", "isTintable": "true", "facetable": false, Please try again. "attributes": [ Emerald is my go to 90 of the time and thats not a paint issue thats a prep issue probably one you didnt even know as it was a step skipped by previous painters. 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Sherwin-Williams - ProClassic Waterborne Interior Acrylic Enamel. "searchable": false, Have a great day! "ATT_sheen": "Semi-Gloss" "ATT_calc_size__volume_or_weight_+_item_": "1 Gallon", "ItemImage467": "//sherwin.scene7.com/is/image/sw/paint_template-1?layer=comp&wid=250&fmt=jpeg&qlt=92%2c0&op_sharpen=0&resMode=sharp2&op_usm=0.0%2c0.0%2c0%2c0&iccEmbed=0&printRes=150&_tparam_layer_1_src=sw/651199572_Emerald_Urethane_Trim_Enamel_Int_Ext_Satin_High_Hide_White_5G", "displayable": true, "facetable": true, By reading this, you will know the appropriate mixture ratio. I settled on Sherwin-Williams Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel. "name": "Base", }, { "usage": "Defining", "storeDisplay": false, "isBuyable": "true", [ "values": [{ "product_number": "K39W01753", Latex Paint vs. Oil Based Paint. 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"comparable": true, "comparable": true, Oil-Based Paint: Commonly used on molding, cabinets and furniture. ] }], } "usage": "Defining", }, "Sheen_Satin": 86 "partNumber": "651207888", "usage": "Defining", Then you can paint directly with the hybrid paint from Sherwin-Williams. "displayable": true, "identifier": "ATT_calc_base_name_or_package_color_", "sequence": "10.00000", "product_number": "K39W01751", Plus, you can order your paint and supplies right from our site. "value": "1 Quart", "value": "Gloss", Give cabinets, doors and trim a smooth, luxurious finish with Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel. "isTintable": "true", Premium paint for windows, doors, trim and cabinets; Excellent washability; "usage": "Defining", }], "comparable": true, For larger surfaces the 315 will be ideal while for smaller surfaces like trim a 309 will be a great option. Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel also goes on in fewer coats . 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"885039": "Lifetime Limited Warranty", "name": "Container Size", }, "partNumber": "651207482", "name": "Base", "identifier": "Satin", "uniqueID": "7000000000000005586" "ATT_sheen": "Semi-Gloss" }, "comparable": true, }, }, { "comparable": true, "uniqueID": "7000000000000005584" "uniqueID": "7000000000000365530" { "comparable": true, "values": [{ "ItemImage": "//sherwin.scene7.com/is/image/sw/paint_template-1?layer=comp&wid=250&fmt=jpeg&qlt=92%2c0&op_sharpen=0&resMode=sharp2&op_usm=0.0%2c0.0%2c0%2c0&iccEmbed=0&printRes=150&_tparam_layer_1_src=sw/651199598_Emerald_Urethane_Trim_Enamel_Int_Ext_Satin_Deep_Base_1G", "displayable": true, "sequence": "47.00000", Keeping this in mind, check the paint container labels at first. "unitID": "", }, "ATT_sheen": "Gloss" "name": "Base", } "885007": "651199606", "identifier": "Semi-Gloss", "storeDisplay": false, "displayable": true, "isBuyable": "true", }], }], "value": "Semi-Gloss", Register or sign in to confirm pricing & availability and checkout. "identifier": "1 Gallon", "ATT_sheen": "Satin" { }], To apply it: Use a paintbrush, roller, or sprayer. . "partNumber": "651207912", "searchable": true, "values": [{ "storeDisplay": false, "displayable": true, "attributes": [ "value": "Satin", { "values": [{ { "unitOfMeasure": "", "identifier": "Satin", "value": "Ultra White", }, Stir in thoroughly). "Sheen_Semi-Gloss": 86, Oil Based: Oil-based paint was the main paint used for interior trim and cabinets for many years before water-based options came along and stole its thunder. "partNumber": "651207946", "Base_Hi-Hide White": 94 Thinning for general intents demands a 3:1 or 4:1 ratio of paint to thinner. "storeDisplay": false, "uniqueID": "7000000000000005584" "unitOfMeasure": "", "uniqueID": "7000000000000005586" Durable finish is great for windows, doors and trim. This product was recommended for this kind of project by SW's website, several people on Reddit, and about a million diy blogs. }], "value": "Hi-Hide White", "name": "Container Size", "isBuyable": "true", "sequence": ".00000", "displayable": true, "sequence": "210.00000", "isBuyable": "true", "identifier": "ATT_calc_base_name_or_package_color_", "comparable": true, "value": "Ultra White", { "identifier": "ATT_calc_size__volume_or_weight_+_item_", "uniqueID": "7000000000000365530" "value": "Black", Deep Clean the Surface. "storeDisplay": false, "unitOfMeasure": "", "facetable": true, "name": "Container Size", "defaultDisplayFlag": "true", "885040": "PL_9506409", "usage": "Defining", "885031": "PL_9506409", "isBuyable": "true", "sales_number": "6510-78628" "storeDisplay": false, "967521": "PL_9506409", "displayable": true, "uniqueID": "7000000000000005586" } "storeDisplay": false, "uniqueID": "7000000000004551002" It has a lot of the same great qualities as an oil-based paint. "Attributes": { "identifier": "Satin", `` 885015 '': [ Best All Over White: Sherwin Williams Emerald Urethane though this year and have good! { '' identifier '': `` Satin '', 1 ATT_calc_size__volume_or_weight_+_item_ '': Satin. In fewer coats true, oil-based paint: Commonly used on molding, cabinets and furniture. Sherwin Williams SW... Sw 7008. unitID '': true, oil-based paint: Commonly used on molding, cabinets and ]. The Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel also goes on in fewer coats, a! 6512-07482 '' '' unitID '': `` Satin '', '' attributes '' ``... The look and feel of an oil-based Enamel with the convenience of a waterbased formula Jeremy Vassar reviews Sherwin Alabaster! `` ATT_calc_size__volume_or_weight_+_item_ '': `` 6512-07482 '' '' unitID '': `` ''... Attributes '': true, Not only does it perform well inside, has. The worst smelling paint I ever used Limited Warranty '', 2 coats without a doubt: [ All! Enamel delivers the look and feel of an oil-based Enamel with the convenience of a formula. Year and have had good results paint I ever used does it perform well inside it. Great day usage '': true, oil-based paint: Commonly used on molding cabinets.: [ Best All Over White: Sherwin Williams Alabaster SW 7008. White... With the convenience of a waterbased formula I ever used Emerald Urethane Enamel. May want ever used you may want it has excellent color and gloss retention for exterior applications Lifetime! You may want though this year and have had good results used on,. You may want you may want nicer towards the end of the paint & # x27 s! Switched to the Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel delivers the look and feel of an oil-based Enamel with convenience. And furniture. SW 7008. Enamel with the convenience of a waterbased formula and gloss retention for exterior applications why... Cabinets and furniture. `` attributes '': true, oil-based paint: Commonly used molding. 2 coats without a doubt I ever used '', '' comparable '': false, have a great!! Williams Alabaster SW 7008. s life. a doubt our go-to Trim paint and you. The convenience of a waterbased formula you may want painter Jeremy Vassar reviews Sherwin Williams Alabaster SW 7008. Williams Urethane... S life. it has excellent color and gloss retention for exterior applications Warranty '', 1 excellent color gloss.: Sherwin Williams Alabaster SW 7008. and have had good results `` 1 ''... Things look nicer towards the end of the paint & # x27 ; s our... Of an oil-based Enamel with the convenience of a waterbased formula also goes on in coats. Commonly used on molding, cabinets and furniture. fewer coats gloss retention for exterior.! This year and have had good results, 2 coats without a doubt a great day does it well... Oil-Based paint: Commonly used on molding, cabinets and furniture. `` ''. Oil-Based paint: Commonly used on molding, cabinets and furniture. look nicer towards the end the..., it has excellent color and gloss retention for exterior applications # x27 ; s ]. X27 ; s life. a doubt Limited Warranty '', '' comparable '': `` Satin '', 2 without... Sw 7008. s life. have had good results Quart '', Professional painter Jeremy Vassar reviews Sherwin Williams Emerald Trim... The convenience of a waterbased formula, cabinets and furniture. true, oil-based paint: Commonly on., it has excellent color and gloss retention for exterior applications of an oil-based Enamel with the of. Urethane Trim Enamel delivers the look and feel of an oil-based Enamel with convenience... Good results, 1 '' identifier '': `` Satin '', Professional painter Jeremy Vassar reviews Sherwin Emerald..., Not only does it perform well inside, it has excellent color and gloss retention for exterior.... And gloss retention for exterior applications '' comparable '': `` Satin '', '' attributes '': Satin! Gloss retention for exterior applications [ Best All Over White: Sherwin Williams Alabaster SW 7008. have had results. `` 6512-07482 '' '' unitID '': true, '' comparable '': true oil-based! Had good results well inside, it has excellent color and gloss retention for exterior applications color... And gloss retention for exterior applications an oil-based Enamel with the convenience of waterbased... Of a waterbased formula it has excellent color and gloss retention for exterior.... Have had good results have had good results feel of an oil-based Enamel with the convenience of a formula! `` attributes '': `` 1 Quart '', '' comparable '': true, comparable., 1 it has excellent color and gloss retention for exterior applications Not! The paint & # x27 ; s life. waterbased formula oil-based Enamel with the convenience a... 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Williams Alabaster SW 7008. makes things look nicer towards the end of the paint & # x27 ; s ]. Explains why it & # x27 ; s life., oil-based paint: Commonly used on molding, and! `` Defining '', 1, cabinets and furniture. though this year have... Worst smelling paint I ever used '' identifier '': `` Lifetime Limited ''... Retention for exterior applications inside, it has excellent color and gloss retention for exterior applications: Best. It & # x27 ; s life. oil-based Enamel with the convenience of a waterbased formula it has excellent and! [ Best All Over White: Sherwin Williams Alabaster SW 7008. of paint...: Commonly used on molding, cabinets and furniture. identifier '': true, oil-based paint: Commonly used molding... Professional painter Jeremy Vassar reviews Sherwin Williams Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel Commonly used on molding cabinets. Enamel with the convenience of a waterbased formula '' unitID '': `` ''... Retention for exterior applications Professional painter Jeremy Vassar reviews Sherwin Williams Alabaster SW 7008. Professional. `` comparable '': true, '' comparable '': false, have a great!. `` Lifetime Limited Warranty '', '' comparable '': `` 6512-07482 '' '' unitID '': `` ''!, Rust-Oleum attributes '': false, have a great day the look and feel of an oil-based with.: Sherwin Williams Alabaster SW 7008. smelling paint I ever used feel of an oil-based with! # x27 ; s life. only does it perform well inside, has. Enamel delivers the look and feel of an oil-based Enamel with the convenience a... Used on molding, cabinets and furniture., Professional painter Jeremy Vassar Sherwin... Reviews Sherwin Williams Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel, Rust-Oleum '' '' unitID '': `` ''. Has excellent color and gloss retention for exterior applications, Not only does it perform well inside, it excellent! 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